Thursday, November 5, 2009

On a Jet Plane

I'm sitting in Charlotte airport, waiting for my plane to leave for DC this morning. I've been up since 4, and will be up for many more hours before I'm back home tonight on this whirlwind of a day. Still interviewing, still wondering, still waiting.

Closure will come soon, as I believe this is the very last round. I will be glad for that. I come back home tonight, arriving by midnight. With miles to go before I sleep, I'm sitting here trying to make the caffeine start working.

My days seem to be passing with a combination of slow but urgent. I need downtime, I need time to be still -but I can't find it. I can't seem to let my mind and body rest, and I'm feeling a need to cram in as much time as possible with everyone. Everything takes on a feeling of "while I can" urgency and so I wake up earlier and go to bed later so I can try to fit it all in. This especially includes my nieces and nephews!

And lest it seem like I'm complaining, here's a picture of sweetness on Saturday night trick or treat :)

My life is busy and blurred --but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Ms. Moon said...

I think it is this time of year besides all that you are going through.
Be well. Still time will come. Travel safely.

Kori said...

This brought to mind a James Taylor song, "...with ten miles behind me, ten thousand more to go...." and yes, there WILL be time. Sending you thoughts of peace and strength and quiet in the midst of life right now. And be safe.